Weekly Progress




I started this journey with a cleansing fast that began on my birthday, February 8th.   My water fast lasted 28 days.  I resumed eating with a Primal/Paleo style thereafter and have never looked back.

I made the commitment to weigh myself weekly after I began to work with my fitness trainer on March 15th.  I "officially" began weekly weigh ins the following day.  Between February 8th and March 16th I lost 50 pounds. Tracking has usually been weekly since then.

March 23rd     -3.8

March 30   -2.8     56 total pounds lost

April 6    - 10.4

April 13   - .8  (Not even a full pound lost. Those weeks are so annoying)

April 20   -2.6

April 27  -6.8     76.6 total pounds lost

May 4   -4.8

May 11  -10.4  Holy crap!  Ten pounds in one week! 

May 18    -4.0

May 27   -1.8    97.6 total pounds lost

June 3  -3.8

June 10    -.8
 (Not even a full pound.  Not a big deal in the long run but annoying as hell in the moment)

June 17    -7.0    109.2 total pounds lost

July 1  -4.2

July 8   -4.2   (not a typo, the same loss 2 weeks in a row)

July 16    -4.6

July 22    -3.8     wooo-hooo. 

July31  + 6.2  WTF!       125.6 TOTAL POUNDS LOST

August 7  - 8.8  (WTH, gain 6 then lose 8,   arrrrgggghh)

August 14   +2.0  so frustrating!

August 31  - 1.6    Total weight loss for August = 8.4, total pounds lost 125.2  

September 10  -    7.4 ===  finally, the scale is moving down again

September 17  -   -3.2  --  yeah-- it went down two weeks in a row.  10.6 lost in 2 weeks!

September 25  --    - .4  --  Only down a quarter of a pound this week but that was not unexpected.
Total weight loss for September  11 pounds,  loss to date 136.2

October 2 --    -3 

October 9  --  + 2.   WHAT??  Lose three, gain 2  -  when I work so hard.  ARGGHH

October 29  --   -4.8    Now a nearly 5 pound drop
Weight loss for October 5.8, total loss to date 142 pounds

November 7 --     + .6   And a half a pound up.. The up and down is making me crazy

November 12 -   +.8  Up nearly another pound.  So frustrated!

In November I had a net GAIN of 1.4 pounds.  Very frustrating.

December 11  ----   - .8   down nearly a pound after a month  with no change whatsoever

December 22          -2   Finally down!  I hope it's a renewed trend!

December 31   -2.2

Total loss for month 5 pounds, total loss so far 145.6

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  I resolve to reach my goal weight in 2016 

2016 This will be my year

January 7   Stayed the same -  I worked REALLY hard and was very careful with the 
                             food so I was expecting a big loss.  Ugggh, so discouraging.

 January 14 --  START OF 8-WEEK FITNESS CHALLENGE, and I lost 5.6  --- FINALLY.

January 22 --- I lost 4.6 for a total, so far, in January 0f 10.4 pounds.

January 29  --  I lost 1.6 this week for a total in the month of 12 pounds and a grand total of 157.4   
                         pounds to date!

February 4  -- Down 1.2 pounds this week.

February 11  --  I lost 2 pounds this week.   That's 3.2 for February, so far

February 25  ==  I lost .4

Total Loss for February 3.6 pounds!  Total weight loss to date 160.6 to date!

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